We are improving our network – again!
As a result of us adding Zayo and TATA to our network and 100GE core upgrade, you can now access more direct connectivity across Europe, America, and Asia.
You haven’t heard from us much in recent months but, rest assured, we’ve been swamped behind the scenes. As you already know, in 2015 we embarked on an extensive network upgrade program.
What did this involve?
We deployed our first links to the major Tier 1 Internet transits: US & Asia oriented NTT, US & Europe oriented GTT and Top 1 Global Transit – Level3.
Then we were celebrating after having successfully joined the London Internet Exchange and both of their LANs.
2016 Q2
We’ve also started partnering directly with all major UK service providers,
including TalkTalk, BT, Sky, and Zen. As well as the global carrier, Hurricane Electric.
2016 Q3
We opened our first new PoP (before our services were only available out of Virtus LON1) at Telecity Harbour Exchange Which has now been acquired by Equinix and branded as Equinix LD8. We are also connected to Cogent, to help improve connectivity to networks that are single-homed to them. This year was even more exciting and brought us another global carrier, Telia Carrier.
2017 Q1
This is a Swedish Telecom, top 2 global carriers and one of the fastest-growing companies worldwide. We have established a direct connection with Liberty Global who are the owners of Virgin Media and UPC.
This has further enhanced our ability to offer the best possible connectivity to the vast number of households they connect within the UK. As well as across other parts of the continent and as far as the United States. In 2017 we opened our first flagship Point of Presence in the Telehouse campus in London Docklands.
2017 Q2
This is in the most advanced data centre built in London – Telehouse North 2. We then expanded our partnership with Juniper and upgraded all our routing platforms to a brand new MX series. But hold on, it doesn’t stop there!
We now have four PoPs in London, each of which are fully capable of sustained routing on their own. With the Juniper-based MPLS-TE Trio 3D Silicon geographically dispersed network with the sub-5ms switchover in case of physical link failure, our customers can enjoy a massive N+3 routing resiliency. This is what differentiates us from our competitors.
Already this year, we’ve introduced yet another Point of Presence at Volta Datacentres in the City of London. This was the first new data centre to be built in Central London for over a decade. This is connected with Juniper-based MPLS over diverse dark fibres to our Telehouse and Equinix PoPs. We now have four PoPs in London, each of which are fully capable of sustained routing on their own. With the Juniper-based MPLS-TE Trio 3D Silicon geographically dispersed network with the sub-5ms switchover in case of physical link failure, our customers can enjoy a massive N+3 routing resiliency. This is what differentiates us from our competitors. We have decided to bring another two new transit providers on board: Zayo and TATA.
This will further improve our Customer connectivity, especially in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Connectivity to India was vastly improved by leveraging TATA’s dominant position in this emerging market. These new connections go live in Q2 and Q3. We’ll be sure to let you know when they are up and running! Once these two new connections are live, we’ll have the largest number of direct transit connections on UK networks, based on CAIDA data.
The further exciting news comes from our stable. This is the newly extended partnership with Juniper which will bring our Core Network to upgrade to 100Gbit/s. This will future-proof our network and ensure congestion-free connectivity for all our customers!
In Q2/Q3 2018
We will add yet another Point of Presence, a brand new world-class datacentres by Virtus – Virtus LON5 & LON6 is the largest carrier-neutral datacentre campus in the UK – Virtus Stockley Park. Clouvider continues to grow rapidly each year, with the ambitious aim of providing the best-engineered services possible at a cost that won’t break the bank.
If you haven’t had a chance to try our services yet, or perhaps you need help with something else, then why not get in touch with our sales team, just check our contact page.
Also, be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with all our latest news!