This guide will help you with generating SSH keys and using them inside a Linux server.
Step 1 #
Inside Linux shell type:
$ ssh-keygen
and hit Enter. You will be asked for key location:
$ Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
You can save it in default location (/root/.ssh/id_rsa).
Please now set a password for your id_rsa key:
$ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): $ Enter same passphrase again:
Your id_rsa key should be now generated:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:D+3Z5f1sJ1uQ0M6mFG7U5I8F6qXdFAYI/ELfzXbDEek root@localhost The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]----+ | ... ..++o| | o . *.+.| | . o * X +| | o * X E.| | S o * @ =| | + = = o | | + o . o| | .o+| | .++| +----[SHA256]-----+
Step 2 #
You can install your pub key inside other Linux server by using the command:
$ ssh-copy-id root@server
After login to another Linux server, your key will be automatically installed inside ~./.ssh/authorized_keys
You can also copy your pub key by typing:
$ cat .ssh/ ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDDQAjNWVoychQ7BQn0qOJeg2aXx65usEs3lqBGRDjFJo7rtGT4tjRq3q1c1mnY k+ZxFCgDPmNuX5RlTBYqqDN0L97HDOYe20q2BkwgUuOLNKlG4Vn6+IBS9iVyK0ccY5Fk2mbh3JzGmIAkwKoXoHkChOzlRWbweS+b OUyj3L+XrjPYi+DaSdPKyQ9ZHEAKU4DSljC35LCUkut6HfQfnvz7zjPeogrirNaCghaHBxI0HstndpPrmwabSs/W0BsTcO7jDk/O fzVTz9ay5PXuYoYIQduGLqO2JZr7KrFkGWhnoMMr7ntkvweNGXZnVyeH+xB42OYvE6WI4Aa9Zf3uKTYd root@localhost
Now you are able to login to another machine with your generated id_rsa key.