Corero DDoS Protection: How It Works and Why You Need it
Corero is a leading provider of DDoS protection solutions that protect against the most advanced and persistent threats. Corero’s technology neutralizes these threats before they reach your network. Providing near-immediate mitigation – up to 20x faster than other DDoS solutions – with virtually no downtime. With Corero, you can be confident in your ability to respond quickly to business challenges and meet Customer expectations.
How Corero DDoS Protection Works?
Corero’s technology is based on an appliance that sits in front of your network and protects all real-time services, such as web, email, VoIP and more. In the event of a DDoS attack Corero’s appliances automatically and seamlessly detect DDoS attacks, blocking them before they even reach your servers. This near-immediate mitigation protects your services from downtime and latency issues, ensuring that your customers continue to have a positive experience.
Why Do You Need Corero DDoS Protection?
DDoS attacks are becoming more sophisticated and persistent. Now it is much more important than ever to have a robust DDoS protection solution in place. With Corero, you can be confident in your ability to respond to business challenges and meet Customer expectations quickly.
Safer With Us.
With Clouvider, you are protected by default as all our locations and points of presence in Europe and the USA are protected by Corero technology, so this is one of the points worth taking into consideration while deciding on a new dedicated server or new hosting for your business.
If you would like to learn more about our network, security or infrastructure, please use the following links or do not hesitate to drop us an email.